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The Calm Before The Storm: First Choice Air's Common Fixes for Furnace Problems (Before The Cold Sets In)

By: First Choice Air on December 2, 2017

If you have a conventional gas furnace, like many Southern Californians do, you know what it looks like. It's a big box-like looking appliance which is responsible for taking in cold air from inside your home, cleaning the air, heating the air and then blowing the cleaned, warm air back into your home. Your furnace may or may not have a humidifier attached to it.

Although furnaces are becoming more and more reliable as technology progresses, they are still not immune from malfunctioning from time to time. Even if you own a high efficiency condensing furnace, which comes equipped with an electronic ignition it's possible that on occasion the furnace won't work properly. Here's a look at some of the most common problems that people have when it comes to their furnace.

There's No Heat!

At First Choice Air we've been happy to serve the San Fernando Valley - Los Angeles area to help homeowners identify why their gas furnace isn't producing heat.

The most common causes we've come across include:
  • The thermostat isn't working
  • The thermostat is set too low, so the furnace isn't producing heat
  • You have a blown or tripped fuse
  • The gas/propane valve is closed
  • The pilot light is not lit
  • The electronic ignition has malfunctioned
These common malfunctions which result in a very cold house can be easily remedied by one of the licensed, expert HVAC technicians at First Choice Air. The solution may be as simple as having one of our technicians come to your home and examine your heating system.

Our technincians will:
  • Confirm the temperature on your thermostat is properly set to its heat mode
  • Reset a tripped/blown fuse or circuit breaker
  • Replace a blown fuse
  • Relight your pilot light
  • Test your electronic ignition system to confirm it is working.
However, the reason you're not getting enough heat in your Southern California home may be due to other causes, which the licensed, award-winning service technicians at First Choice Air will identify and explain to you when we visit.

Some of these causes may include:
  • Dirty air filter
  • Dirty gas burners
  • Maladjusted gas burners
  • Blocked air flow
(Before The Cold Sets In)

If First Choice Air's HVAC technician notices any of these issues, we gladly adjust the burners, replace the dirty air filter with a clean filter, clear any blockages, troubleshoot your thermostat, and ensure that the blower motor is working properly in your furnace. This may involve lubricating the blower motor with oil, tightening belt tension, and/or replacing any belts which are frayed.

The Heater Won't Turn Off

If you find that the blower in your home, responsible for blowing the warm air from your furnace through your home is running nonstop, check first to see that the thermostat fan isn't set to "continuous." If it isn't set to continuous, possible causes for this malfunction may include a faulty fan limit control switch on your furnace, or incompatibility between your furnace and your thermostat. At First Choice Air in Los Angeles, we often find homeowners have furnaces and thermostats which are not compatible. Although thermostats may all look similar, they aren't all necessarily designed to work with your furnace. On the contrary, mixing and matching furnaces with thermostats will often result in problems, and can even be dangerous. If you've confirmed that the fan isn't set to continuous yet your furnace continues to blow, call our expert HVAC technicians today at 800.991.9247

The Furnace Is Making A Lot Of Noise

If your furnace is making a lot of noise, perhaps a high pitched squeal, or a low pitched rumbling, this may be caused by improper belt tension, lack of motor lubrication, dirty burners/adjusters. At First Choice Air we don't recommend that you attempt to fix these problems yourself, as belt tension needs to be set specifically, and it can be dangerous to clean burners, or even lubricate ports if you're not familiar with how a furnace works. We are happy to come to your home in the San Fernando Valley, Ventura, and throughout greater Los Angeles to diagnose the source of the noise coming from your furnace, and make repairs immediately.

The Pilot Light on Your Furnace Is Out

A pilot light can be extinguished by strong drafts, dirt in the furnace, dirt in the gas tube, or as the result of a faulty thermocouple which may be shutting off the gas supply. First Choice Air is always glad to relight your pilot light, while cleaning and removing any gas supply obstructions.

If your furnace uses an electronic ignition, our expert furnace repair technicians will be glad to confirm that the surface ignition system is functioning properly.

If you would like to schedule a pre-winter furnace service appointment before the cold weather hits in Southern California, contact First Choice Air today.
Call 800.991.9247

First Choice has been providing air conditioning and heating sales and service in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, and Ventura Counties for over 18 years. We are a full-service heating and cooling systems dealer, specializing in sales, installation, repairs and service, as well as heating and air conditioner financing. We are EPA certified, and approved by California League of Homeowners. Contact us today to have your furnace serviced before the cold weather arrives in Southern California.